The Ballotin #5 — the Democracy Club newsletter 🗳

This is an HTML version of an email we sent on 02 Feb 2018.

If you would like to receive these emails in future, please subscribe.

Democracy Club




If you’re reading this, you’ve survived January. Congratulations!


February is sure to bring much sunshine, warmth and so many by-elections.


We’ve also had our first proper board meeting, where we’re laying out the plan, and we’re helping host two events this month in the run-up to May. Perhaps we’ll see you there!


Happy voting,



📅 It’s SuperFebruary!

February is packed with by-elections! 34 of them! Voters need your help to learn about their candidates! Get to the crowdsourcer…


📐 We have a cunning plan.

How can we do more good digital stuff for a better democracy? What will it cost? We used our first board meeting to discuss a plan — and we’d love your thoughts too. Do please take a look at this blog post and let us know what you think.


🗳 Join us in London to plan things for the local elections in May...

We’re meeting in London on Monday 5th Feb — come along! You can also read and add to the crowdsourced documentation here.


🏛 ...Or in Huddersfield to talk about democracy beyond elections.

Join us at the annual NotWestminster event. On Friday 16th Feb we’ll run a day on the public understanding of council decision-making. On Saturday 17th Feb we’ll enjoy the range of talks, workshops and  be enjoying the sessions and stealing ideas.

😍 Help democracy work better: stump up £3/month here. 😍