Democracy Club's 2021 Election Report

This is an HTML version of an email we sent on 02 Aug 2021.

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Democracy Club
Dear [%first_name | Democracy Club supporter%],
We’re pleased to announce the publication of our report on the 2021 elections!
The 6 May polls saw us continue the rapid progress we made during 2019. We implemented some major new design improvements to; achieved a record number of councils on our polling station finder; and processed some two million postcode searches in election week, with a correspondingly high level of user satisfaction.
It was a bit of a mixed bag in other areas however - but you'll have to read the full report to find out why!
We’re hiring a new team member
Want to work for Democracy Club? We’re hiring a Chief Operating Officer. We need someone to take responsibility for projects and fundraising for Democracy Club’s immediate and long-term future. Sounds like your sort of thing?
You can find the full description on our website, or get in touch for more information. Applications close 20 August.
Can we ask you a question?
Got ten minutes to spare? We’re looking for feedback on our work, and ideas for future projects. We’ve put together a survey for anyone to answer.

Have a good summer!

The Democracy Club Team.