20,000-strong for democracy

This is an HTML version of an email we sent on 23 May 2019.

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Democracy Club




I hope you’ve voted! I’m just off to my polling station now.

Before I go, here’s a quick note to celebrate all the new subscribers to Democracy Club’s mailing list: we’re now 20,000-strong!


If you’re new, welcome. Our vision at Democracy Club is of a country with the digital foundations to support everyone’s participation in democratic life.


But we’ve not met that vision today.


As I write, around 1,000 people/minute are still looking up where to vote on WhereDoIVote.co.uk. And we don’t have answers for them all.


To explain why, I wrote this blog post. In short, we need better resources.


Please make a regular donation and we can help even more people to vote next time.


Thank you,



